Turns out, I have a lot of things still circling around in my head on this particular subject. There's a lot of questions that are still unanswered. Then my next thought was something along the lines of: Maggie, there are so many other situations in your life that hold billions of unanswered questions that are still circling around in your head, why aren't you writing about those things?
I don't have an answer to either of these questions. I don't want answers to these questions. Songwriting is a pretty magical experience, and I'm always fairly confident that what needs to come out in song will come out whether I want it to or not. I think it's appropriate that I'm feeling hesitant to write this song, because when I wrote "England", I was really hesitant to write and it and share it with anyone; and yet, "England" was written almost completely in about 10 minutes. This song is taking longer to write, but I actually think I might end up liking it better than "England."
I'm not sure what I'll be calling this one, that'll come to me later. Write now I'm still working on getting a full song and story out. An important life lesson that I'm still learning is that things that need to be said are often difficult to say, but you'll be a better person for finding the strength to say them. It's good for relationships, and more importantly, it's good for the soul.
I'm not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual one. I believe that nurturing and strengthening one's soul is vital for actual living and relationships (general or specific connections to other human beings) to take place. I'm kind of a Transcendentalist in that respect.
I'd love to be working on the song right now, but I'm experiencing some wrist pain that's making guitar playing tricky. I'm planning on resting my wrist for a while and picking the song back up when I can. I'm kind of excited about it.